Influential Women To a Young College Student

Being a young woman in College, there are many women I look up to and aspire to be like. Here is a list of women who inspire me to be strong, unapologetically passionate, and emotionally free. They have changed my life in more ways than one and helped me shape who I am today as well as the woman I’m becoming. It is my hope that by creating this blog, you too reflect on the powerful and impactful women in your life, and how they have changed you for the better.

“I want every girl to know that her voice can change the world”

-Malala Yousefzai

“Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women” -Maya Angelou


My whole life I have struggled with self love and acceptance. Reminiscing on all of the powerful women that have influenced me greatly, I realized, what does it all mean if I don’t influence myself as well? I believe that it’s important to not just hold ourselves accountable for the mistakes we have made, but…

Lana Del Rey

Lana Del Rey has been my favorite artist for about six years now. I first started listening to her when I was thirteen and in seventh grade. I saw her at concert for the first time when I was only fourteen and I begged my parents to buy me a ticket. Lana Del Rey has…

Erin Brockovich

I remember when I was younger seeing the movie Erin Brockovich staring Julia Roberts for the first time. I believe that this was one of the main films that shaped me into the woman I am today. I never though of woman’s rights much before watching this movie; but you could say I am sort…

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